To start with, the FamilyFarmed is the organization which comes as a part of marketing and retail program, promoting a deeper connection between consumers and producers. The label task is to simplify the brand identification for customers. That is how visitors find out the places’ names where their goods come from.The program identifies partaking farmers, the ones who’ve certified organic meat, fresh veggies, fruits and processed foods. We understand posters and other signage at Chicago retail locations by its work, you’ll notice at Chicago retail locations supporting The label may be applied directly to packaging or a product itself.Otherwise, it is a brand of the product’s manufacturer and the production territory (as Illinois or Wisconsin). It is used for branding local family farmers and supplying them with ability to market the goods through the organization program.
The Benefits
Both the marketing program and label create substantial economic benefits for farmers, retailers, food processors and the regional economy.
- It forms up a brand and identity for local organic family farmers at the retail level
- It links retailers with organic producers and distributors
- By the bye, it increases the supply of qualitative organic produce in local retail stores
- It provides consumers with information about their food and contributes to a transparent food system
- Moreover, it stimulates demand for local organic food
Who Uses the Label?
Many organic family rangers from the Midwest and the country have expressed interest in using the label to add value to their products. That helps them to connect with the buyers who care about where their food originates.
Igl Farms in Antigo, WI sold their organic potatoes to retailers this year using a bag with the sign on it.
Find out more information about our farmers
Food Label – The label can be on fresh veggies, fruits and on processed foods. It includes the logo, the manufacturing city (Chicago or Illinois), and the name of the processor or farmer who made the product.
The purpose is to make the process of getting the name of the producer recognizable. They are used for referring people to the website that should promote the cooperation between the enterprise and consumers. In 2005, the Midwest part of Whole Foods Market asked all regional organic providers to utilize the label. Other Chicago area marketers are also expected to join the program.
Where can you find products?
Many Chicago area dealers have agreed to purchase products carrying the label. Look for products and materials in these stores this summer:
County Fair, Chipain’s Fresh Market, Sunset, Cub & Family Foods, Grand Food Centers, Dominicks, Fox and Obel, Oakton Market Place, Pea, Newleaf Natural Grocery, Whole Foods Market, Stanleys, Jewel-Osco, Treasure Island.
About Our Founding Partners
Goodness Greeness
The major distributor in the country has been the main participant of the program since its inception. It currently employs over 40 people to its storehouse (Chicago neighborhood). Goodness Greeness develops the private brand of the regional organic foods, involving seal. They buy food from local organic growers for distributing it along Chicago area.
Whole Foods Market
Being the world’s leading marketer with over $4 milliard in sales, Whole Foods Market aspires to supply clients with the organic food they want, especially local organic products. The founding retail partner of, the Midwest, currently working with farmers in Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, has consented to cooperate with us on this project.
The organization supplies all stores with natural food across the Midwest. Foods Market is the first grocer in the US having the certificate, demonstrating its commitment to the organic consumer and to the preservation of the integrity of organic products from field to a shopping cart.
Interested in Becoming a Retail Partner?
Those supermarket, healthy food stores and co-ops wishing to take part the business should get in contact with Lynn Peemoeller via 312-951-8999 or email.
Are you a Farmer Interested in Using the Label?
For Interested in the Label Using
Go on the website to find more details on the matter.